
The horse and the flame

Very rich area in Orion. Not only famous Flame or Horse objects but number of various nebulae in the frame.
Horse and Flame

Photo Details

  Telescope: FSQ106EDX (530 mm) Takahashi

  Camera: Asi1600MMC-p

  Mount: NJP Takahashi

  Guiding: Off-axis Lodestar

  Exposure: LRGB 60,30,20,30 x1minUnity Gain

  When: September 2018

  Other information: CD 2018


Horse and Flame

Photo Details

  Telescope: FSQ106EDX (530 mm) Takahashi

  Camera: ST-8300M, Sbig Filter wheel, Baader 36mm round HLRGB filters

  Mount: NJP Takahashi

  Guiding: Off-axis Orion SS Autoguider

  Exposure: H 28x20min RGB 7,7,7 x 8min, H - 16x30min

  Other information: Ha in weak condition in the city


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