The horse and the flame
Very rich area in Orion. Not only famous Flame or Horse objects but number of various nebulae in the frame.
Photo Details
Telescope: FSQ106EDX (530 mm) Takahashi
Camera: Asi1600MMC-p
Mount: NJP Takahashi
Guiding: Off-axis Lodestar
Exposure: LRGB 60,30,20,30 x1minUnity Gain
When: September 2018
Other information: CD 2018
Photo Details
Telescope: FSQ106EDX (530 mm) Takahashi
Camera: ST-8300M, Sbig Filter wheel, Baader 36mm round HLRGB filters
Mount: NJP Takahashi
Guiding: Off-axis Orion SS Autoguider
Exposure: H 28x20min RGB 7,7,7 x 8min, H - 16x30min
Other information: Ha in weak condition in the city